New Essay: Sarah Coakley and the Prayers of the Digital Body of Christ

Janice McCrandal, lecturer in theology at Trinity Theological College in Brisbane, has edited a new volume, published by Fortress Press this year. The new work focuses on the impact of the work of the Norris-Hulse Professor of Divinity at Cambridge University, Sarah Coakley, in the field of Systematic Theology, hence the title Sarah Coakley and the Future of Systematic Theology.

The edited book grew out of a symposium on Coakley's work, held in 2010 at the United Theological College, featuring a collage of theological voices from a number of ecclesial traditions. Coakley herself was present to respond to the presentations. 

the Divine Wedgie's Matthew Tan was one of those who contributed to the symposium and to the volume. The chapter, entitled "Sarah Coakley and the Prayers of the Digital Body of Christ", interfaced the use of the internet and Coakley's work on trinitarian prayer, arguing that the practice of the internet paralleled and ultimately parodied, the practice of Christian prayer. 

Thanks is due to Dr. McCrandal and to Fortress Press for bringing this work to the light of day.

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